Hospital Wish List
Art gum erasers
Baggies of collage materials to make cards
Beach balls
Bright tissue paper
Bubble Bottles
Coloring pages
Coloring books
Craft supplies
Craft collage kits
Crayons small boxes 8 color
Cut out animals on cloth
Easy projects/no needles
Embroidery floss (bright colors) for friendship bracelets
Glue (small containers)
Greeting cards
Individual craft kits for older children
Mobile frames, coat hanger type wire or heavy pipe cleaners so children can make their own objects to hang on the frame
Music boxes
Musical toys
Nerf balls
Paint by number books
Paper airplanes
Party decorations for theme, holiday or birthday parties or Disney Sesame Street characters
Pipe cleaners
Play dough
Pat holder looms
Rubber stamps
Safety scissors (right & left handed)
Sewing cards/lacing cards
Shape sponges
Stamp pads
Sticker books
T-shirts plain for tie dye and puffy glue (M,L,XL)
Tape cassettes (current music)
Velcro ball and darts
Water colors
Wind up toys
Wood toys
Remember.- bring at least one item to the December meeting. The holidays are here and it would be great to get it to the kids by Chanukah and Christmas.